Well not exactly a tornado but really strong winds wreaked havoc on all of our tomato plants. We were being smart( we thought) putting weed barrier down around them but apparently we did not fasten it down quite well enough as the wind picked it up and basically decapitated all of our tomato plants! Here is where our tomatoes used to be, that black draping on the fence would be our weed barrier:(

We had a lot of tomato plants too. We have since purchased new tomato plants but because of minor details like a baby being born
(see here) and our house being in desperate need of a paint job they have not gotten back in the ground quite yet, hopefully soon. In other garden news our sweet potatoes are not looking so hot, they appear to have been frost bitten or something so we will see if they come back or if we will be replanting those as well. The rest of the garden however is looking good. The corn is peeking through the soil

The peas are up and looking good(and so are the weeds beside them)

and teeny, tiny sprouts are starting to spring up in our watermelon, cantelope, and pumpkin hills.

We are definately learning!
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