Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Potatoes, BAM!

Not that I am a fan of Emeril. I don't think I have even seen an episode of his cooking show. However, it felt good to throw some potatoes in the ground. BAM!

We started planting on Sunday afternoon. It may have been stretching it for the potatoes since we should have gotten them in sooner, but we forged ahead with the Russets and Yukon Golds. We planted six rows approximately 30 feet in length. We had the shortest person around pace off the length, plus she was 8 months pregnant, so we probably ended up with 25' rows. Andrea dropped in the potatoes, BAM, but being the 8 month preggo, I came along behind and set them all eyes up. Perhaps firing up the apocalypse garden between two pregnancies was not the most brilliant part of the plan.

It was interesting to explain to our three year old Gabe, that potatoes had "eyes." He was quite inquisitive during the whole process.

We are also using companion planting practices, so we planted rows of beans between the rows of potatoes.

After we got that stage of planting finished Alan ran deliveries of straw from the barn to spread over the potatoes and beans.

While he was doing that Andrea and Hollie laid down large sheets of recycled paper.

I placed old barn boards over top to create walking paths throughout the garden.

Why weed where you're not planting? Apparently you are supposed to put the barn boards down as you lay down the paper. Who knew?

After we got everything mulched we hit everything with a little agua.

It felt great to get in some warm soil and get hit with some warm sun. Everything is budding and flowering, and it felt good to be outside enjoying it all with a little sweat on the brow. More planting to come. Up next: sweet potatoes, peppers, kohlrabi (per Hollie's request), beets, and carrots.


EClark said...

I'm loving the Apocalypse Garden Blog. Who knew it could be so interesting. Maybe I'm biased. Can't wait to see the garden.

clarkitect said...