We finished planting last night(besides moving the strawberry beds over and getting those in) and now hopefully everything will grow and grow abundantly! We put up a fence around some of the vegetables to hopefully keep the chickens(and any other little critters) from eating the kohlrabi and anything else they find to their liking.

Sunday night Alan used the tiller to make hills to plant the watermelon, cantelope, pumpkins, and squash.

We also planted lots of sweet corn! Last night we laid down weed barrier and got all the tomato plants and herbs in the ground.

Gabe helped by taking the pots from the tomatoes and putting them on the concrete to be thrown away(this helping bit didn't last too long, mostly he and Clark played in the water and got themselves incredibly dirty:)

We also finished re-planting kohlrabi, mulched the fenced in area,

put in a few more peppers for salsa, a few more sweet potato plants, and finished putting in zucchini, winter squash, pumpkins and melons. Now if we could just keep this guy out of our garden and from stepping on things.

We finished off the night with some strawberry shortcake cake.
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