Here are some shots of the garden. Everything is looking good and getting big! Besides kohlrabi we have also been enjoying zucchini, green beans, cucumbers and a few grape tomatoes, more to come soon!
and the pigs are doing quite well also!
Friday, July 10, 2009
On Tuesday we picked a zucchini -- I knew we had some ready but had no idea this big one was out there! Time to make some bread!
Mmm-- fresh basil from the garden for our panini sandwiches. They were awesome!
In other news -- the corn is tasseling, the grape tomatoes are turning red, the peppers were fertilized and now look much better -- some even have peppers on now, the vines are taking over and there are baby pumpkins and melons starting to form, Hollie and I picked beans yesterday--more to pick this weekend (hopefully enough to can).